Whey Protein Isolate

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Whey Protein Isolate

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Como medir
1 Busto
Measure under your arms. Around the fullest part of your chest
2 Cintura
Measure around your natural waistline at belly button level
3 Quadris
Measure around the fullest part of your body at the top of your leg
4 Costura interna
Wearing pants that fit well, remove your shoes and measure from the crotch seam to the floor
5 Manga
Keep your arm straight. Measure from your shoulder to your wrist.
Descrição do produto

Whey Protein Isolate is a stomach-friendly, fast-digesting protein. With 25 grams of 100% whey isolate, only 1g of sugar, and digestive enzymes, this whey will help you build lean muscle and support recovery. It's Informed-Sport certified, so it's safer for athletes*

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    • Perfect Protein Shake for Any Workout 
    • Naturally Flavored 
    • 25g Pure Whey Protein Isolate
    Whey Protein Isolate
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    Adicionar ao carrinho - $44.00
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