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"Sculpt & Recovery Kit"
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Libere o poder do pilates e manifeste seu melhor eu com o kit essencial de pilates da BetterMe. Esta coleção completa é cuidadosamente projetada para aprimorar sua experiência de treino, garantindo estilo, conforto e eficácia em cada movimento. Eleve sua rotina e encontre alegria no fitness com esta solução completa definitiva.
What's Inside:
Soft Silicon Dumbbells: Ergonomic, gentle strength training aids muscle recovery.
Pilates Ball: Enhances balance, stability, and muscle recovery.
Pilates Grip Socks: Non-slip, safe movements reduce injury during recovery.
Toning Pilates Ring: Targets muscles for precise recovery exercises.
Long Resistance Band: Adjustable resistance for gradual recovery progression.
Pilates Loop Bands: Scalable resistance for controlled recovery workouts.
Yoga Block: Supports stretching, improving flexibility and recovery.
Foam Roller: Reduces muscle soreness and enhances recovery.
Massage Ball: Releases tight spots and accelerates muscle recovery.
Peanut Massage Ball: Focused pressure relief for spine and neck recovery.
Please note that the appearance and colors of products may vary / can be different from what is displayed on the website.
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Entrega e devoluções
Expectativa de entrega do seu pedido dentro de 2-14 dias.
Contamos com uma política de devolução de 30 dias para garantir sua satisfação com a compra.
Descrição do produto
Libere o poder do pilates e manifeste seu melhor eu com o kit essencial de pilates da BetterMe. Esta coleção completa é cuidadosamente projetada para aprimorar sua experiência de treino, garantindo estilo, conforto e eficácia em cada movimento. Eleve sua rotina e encontre alegria no fitness com esta solução completa definitiva.
What's Inside:
Soft Silicon Dumbbells: Ergonomic, gentle strength training aids muscle recovery.
Pilates Ball: Enhances balance, stability, and muscle recovery.
Pilates Grip Socks: Non-slip, safe movements reduce injury during recovery.
Toning Pilates Ring: Targets muscles for precise recovery exercises.
Long Resistance Band: Adjustable resistance for gradual recovery progression.
Pilates Loop Bands: Scalable resistance for controlled recovery workouts.
Yoga Block: Supports stretching, improving flexibility and recovery.
Foam Roller: Reduces muscle soreness and enhances recovery.
Massage Ball: Releases tight spots and accelerates muscle recovery.
Peanut Massage Ball: Focused pressure relief for spine and neck recovery.
Please note that the appearance and colors of products may vary / can be different from what is displayed on the website.
Fácil de limpar
Secar ao ar após o uso
Limpar entre os usos
Armazenar em local fresco e seco
Manter longe de objetos afiados
Entrega e devoluções
Expectativa de entrega do seu pedido dentro de 2-14 dias.
Contamos com uma política de devolução de 30 dias para garantir sua satisfação com a compra.
Tone Up With Pilates Kit
Leia mais
01. Bicep Сurls
Stand, feet together, toes out, each hand holding a dumbbell. Curl them to shoulders, then lower slowly, rising to tiptoes. Feel the bicep curl’s strength and balance each rep.
Stand with feet apart, ball between thighs. Squeeze the ball, squat down, arms forward. Stand up, lower arms. Repeat for a focused narrow squat workout.
Stand upright, place the Pilates ring by your right hip, hand on the other side. Press down towards your hip, then relax. Repeat, switch sides. Tone your sides with each squeeze.
Stand with feet apart, hold the long band at ends. Swing your arms over your head, to behind your back, then reverse. Continue the flow and feel the stretch in each swing!
Loop the band around your thighs, on all fours, back flat. Kick back with your right leg, knee bent, then return. Switch legs. Keep it up for a firmer, stronger booty!
Step forward with left foot, right leg back, lean forward. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, bend forearms to biceps, then release. Switch sides. Strengthen triceps with each flexion!
Stand with ball overhead, squeeze it. Circle the ball left, then right, returning to start each time. Strengthen your arms and core with each 'Around the World' rotation.
Strap the band above your knees and lie down, heels down, knees bent. Lift into a bridge; open your thighs wide. Lower down and close your thighs. Engage your core, glutes, and hamstrings with each rep!